Conciliation, Mediation
Locum Paralegal Service

Conflict Resolution

Family Law require the parties make every effort to resolve the matters before engaging in legal action.

Lawyers will often use biased solutions that can lead to conflict. 

We approach, as Judges do, all outcomes from an objective position.

We always strive for Agreements rather than Court action. Court action should be a last resort when all other avenues have failed.

All Agreements are tailored to your specific needs by Lawyers, comply with Family Law requirements and signed off by Lawyers, this ensures that both parties receive a fair and equitable outcome.

Fair and Equitable Outcomes

Our approach is a combination of Conciliation and Mediation.

Conciliation and Mediation process allows Divorce Services to take a neutral position, we convey information and negotiate between the both parties without them having any contact.

You should always use Conciliation and Mediation as your first choice to settle your Financial obligations and children access arrangements.

We provide an intelligent alternative to high costs of combative and traditional methods.

We suggest all parties receive free independent legal advice before Conciliation and Mediation commences.

We work with both parties.

This Leads to

  • Reduced Stress.

  • Reduce Costs.

  • Faster Agreements.

  • Faster Settlements.

What we do

  • Negotiate settlements.

  • Locum Paralegal Service specialising in (Family Law).

  • Provide Lawyers when Legal advice is required.

  • Divorce Services takes a proactive role to help you reach fair and equitable outcomes that are binding and enforceable.

Bruce Carter (principle) has over 30 years experience in Paralegal (Family Law) Conciliation, Mediation, Financial Planning, is an ex Tax agent.


  • NMAS Mediation Completed.

  • Graduate Diploma Applied Law Family Law.

  • Cert in Paralegal (Family Law).

  • Diploma Financial Services (Financial Planning).

  • Current course of study is a Masters in Applied Law, Family Law.

  • We have a referrals Lawyers list, if you require Legal Advice.

  • We are not Lawyers.

Our clients have access to our service 7-days a week until 9.00pm. We provide a unique national Service.